Just like by educating a woman, we will be educating her family, society and nation; by educating women to manage their finances, in long run, we will be having financially managed families, societies and the entire nation. With this thought, we at Manushi, aim to reach the women from poorest households of the nation and help them be financially educated and self-sufficient by providing them access to finance and economic support.
While women in Nepal holds about half the population, they are still insecure about their position, situation and are vulnerable in various ways especially financially. The case in Rural Nepal is even worse. Today, Nepalese Women especially in rural areas are still struggling to meet their and their families’ basic amenities and being financially weak has worsened this situation.
As Clare Booth Luce rightly said, “A Woman’s best protection is little money of her own”; we believe that through Microfinance, the little amount of money, we can start making women financially independent or at least be supportive in their families. Through our various programs, we are working to educate, assist and develop money management skills to our sisters, mothers and daughters and rightfully providing enough access to finance to execute the knowledge they gain.
Along with women empowerment, the Microfinance program at Manushi also focuses on child education, uplifting rural economy, enhancing social security, and creating awareness about health and sanitation situations.
Throughout our long journey from being a micro-finance company to a bank, all our supporters have been very kind to us. You’ve helped us join hands in this cause and we have successfully reached one milestone together.
For the development of Nepalese Women and society, we have even longer and tougher road to travel and we seek your kindness, support, guidance and suggestions and join hands with us to help create a little money of her own to each Nepalese Woman.